Adult Swim's cult hit animated comedy Rick and Morty returns for season seven on Sunday, October 15, a little more than a year after season six premiered.
In the show, Rick – a sociopathic genius scientist with a tiny bit of a drinking problem – drags his much less adventurous grandson Morty around time and space without much concern for his health or safety.
Season seven of the show will debut in more than 134 countries and 38 languages. The new season won't be available to stream until next year.
Rick and Morty was the top-rated comedy across all of cable in its last four seasons and it's also a multiplatform sensation across digital, gaming, live-streaming, retail and fan experiences. It reached more than 19 million viewers on linear broadcast alone in 2022.
“It's happening,” said Michael Ouweleen, president of Adult Swim, in a statement. “Thanks to the talent of the entire show team, we can all enjoy 10 new episodes that yet again raise the bar for comedy and animation. This season proves that the geniuses at work on Rick and Morty are just getting started.”
Key art for season 7 of ‘Rick and Morty.'