After the success of the live-action adaptation of One Piece, Netflix and anime studio Wit Studio are re-adapting the anime version, The One Piece, Netflix announced during anime and manga convention Jump Festa 2024.
The new version will use “cutting-edge visual technology to reimagine Luffy's adventures,” according to Netflix. Currently in production, The One Piece will be streamed worldwide exclusively on Netflix.
Written by Eiichiro Oda, the “One Piece” manga celebrated its 25th anniversary in July 2022, having sold more than 510 million comics worldwide. The live-action One Piece series, is streaming exclusively on Netflix, while the original TV anime series produced by Toei Animation has been broadcast since 1999.
Another manga by Oda, created when he was only 19 years old, also has been adapted into anime for the first time. Premiering in January, the action-packed Monsters 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation follows Ryuma, a samurai entangled in a world disrupted by an ominous force—a dragon capable of unleashing catastrophic destruction upon the land.