Ahead of the 2024 debut of Netflix's adaptation of Nickelodeon's 2005 animated hit, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Imaginary Forces created a series of elemental 3-D symbols designed to bring the audience into Netflix's live-action world.
Each symbol represents a different element – fire, water, earth, air – that the avatar needs to be able to keep in balance in order to keep the world's four nations in check. Each of them becomes more animated as the sequence goes on – with fire springing up, wind blowing and ice cracking – before it resolves into the show's title.
“Bending into action, we considered a critical approach for a cult-classic story,” wrote Imaginary Forces on its website. “Crafting a simple sequence that builds anticipation with stunning visuals, we brought in Eleven Sound to craft the soundtrack that embodies a meditative chant.
“Expressing the behavior of each element, we channeled the energy of ancient practices. Huge fans ourselves, we were ecstatic to be a part of such a long-awaited release. As the title reveals itself, we see how the light shines on the new age of Aang, The Last Airbender.”
The teaser debuted last Saturday at Netflix's live and virtual global fan event, Tudum, that took place in Brazil.
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